Cruise Control Retrofit

Firstly, this project isn't for the faint hearted. It involved quite a bit of research, the purchase of a cheap OBD-II diagnostics tool, ripping half the car dash apart and several cuts on my hands.

Even so, this project is well worth it, as it reduces the fatigue experienced while driving long distances; something that I do every so often while driving between Brighton and Essex. It is also a very rewarding project, what with the surge of exitement when the car still starts up after using the dodgy OBD-II device, and shows the cruise control icon during the instrument cluster lamp test.

I started with researching the modification. Much of this was performed on the ukcorsa-d forum, where I discovered that there are a couple of people that charge reasonable rates for adding cruise control to Vauxhall Corsas. This is something that I would have considered if it weren't for the fact that these people are in relatively fixed locations around the country, with the exception of a few that do travel occasionally, allowing you to "book" them as they traverse around the country. All of these are locations that are a fair distance away from me in Brighton. I looked into seeing if this modification was something that I could attempt myself, with a high enough chance of suceeding. With there being too many projects that I've started, bought most of the bits for and just given up on because of an overly challenging step, I wanted to be certain that there was a reasonable chance of completing this project.

On the subject of parts, here is a list of things I purchased for this project.

Parts list

Vauxhall Corsa D indicator stalk with cruise control (13191079)

This replaces the existing indicator stalk without the cruise control bit on the end.

I purchased this for £29.00 off of eBay.

98658-1211 Molex Crimp Connector

Two of these are required to run a wire from under the steering wheel to behind the glove box.

I purchased 10 of these for £2.24 off of eBay.

OPCOM OBD2 Diagnostic Tool

An OPCOM is a clone of a VAUXCOM, which costs upwards of £650.00 for the genuine tool.

I purchased an OPCOM for £14.99 off of eBay.

If you have any questions about this project, or any others on my site get in touch!